The Association of American Cancer Institutes (AACI) is the only membership association dedicated to academic cancer centers. AACI represents more than 100 premier academic and freestanding cancer centers in the United States and Canada. AACI is accelerating progress against cancer by enhancing the impact of academic cancer centers and promoting cancer health equity. The association advances the objectives of cancer centers by promoting widespread recognition of the cancer center network, educating policymakers, and fostering partnerships among cancer centers and like-minded organizations to improve the overall quality of cancer care.
Read The History of the Association of American Cancer Institutes, published in 2021 by Donald L. "Skip" Trump, MD, and Eric T. Rosenthal.
AACI's Clinical Research Innovation (CRI) provides a network for cancer center clinical research leaders to share best practices. Much of CRI’s activity is organized around an annual meeting attended by clinical trials leaders from AACI cancer centers, industry representatives, and government agencies, who come together to address common challenges. Member services include access to active listservs, including recently launched community outreach and engagement (COE) and catchment area research and data science (CARDS) listservs; and the opportunity to participate in working groups and task forces that focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion; staff retention; and the role of clinical trials office medical directors.
AACI’s Physician Clinical Leadership Initiative (PCLI) provides a forum for AACI cancer center physician leaders to promote cancer center clinical and quality care programs. PCLI addresses these interests through an annual meeting and by hosting webinars on a range of topics.
The AACI/CCAF Annual Meeting convenes hundreds of AACI cancer center members with leaders of national cancer research and advocacy groups, industry, and government health agencies. The meeting is unique in providing leaders from academic cancer centers with a forum to discuss important issues and develop best practices with their peers.
AACI’s public policy activity is guided in large part by the Government Relations (GR) Steering Committee, which coordinates efforts among AACI cancer centers to educate legislators about the cancer research community and its positive impact on patients. Through regular calls and meetings, the larger GR Forum enhances understanding of policy issues pertaining to cancer prevention, treatment, clinical trials, and survivorship. GR representatives from AACI cancer centers also participate in a joint annual Hill Day with the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).
AACI President Robert A. Winn, MD, is the director of VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Winn’s AACI presidential initiative aims to develop and promote inclusive excellence by examining methods through which AACI members can foster partnerships with like-minded organizations, government agencies, and other institutions – regionally, nationally, and globally.
Recognizing the urgent need for diversity in the oncology leadership pipeline, AACI Immediate Past President Caryn Lerman, PhD, director of USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, focused her AACI presidential initiative on leadership development for emerging cancer center leaders from diverse backgrounds. Dr. Lerman and her steering committee published best practices for mentoring and onboarding, highlighted in a 2022 paper published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The inaugural Leadership Diversity and Development Workshop was held in November 2022, followed by the second workshop in March 2024.
AACI aims to mitigate cancer disparities by leveraging cancer center expertise into meaningful, measurable actions to improve patients’ lives. Results of an AACI survey on cancer center catchment areas were published in a 2022 paper about reducing the burden of cancer through community outreach and engagement.
The AACI Public Policy Resource Library (PPRL) was the presidential initiative of Roy A. Jensen, MD, director of The University of Kansas Cancer Center. The PPRL enables cancer centers and other cancer advocates to share resources—including talking points and legislation enacted across the U.S.—to foster collaboration, promote cancer prevention, and spur the development of policies that will improve the lives of Americans through lowered cancer incidence and mortality. The PPRL also highlights federal legislation endorsed by AACI.
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