
HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention: Nominate a Champion


AACI is partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) to recognize leaders in health care who have demonstrated a strong commitment to preventing cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) through timely vaccination of adolescents.

Now in its third year, the HPV Vaccine Is Cancer Prevention campaign works to improve the quality of clinicians’ recommendations of the HPV vaccine for 11- and 12-year-olds and to increase acceptance of the vaccine by parents. The award recognizes clinicians, practices, and health systems that go above and beyond to foster HPV vaccination among adolescents in their communities.

HPV-related cancers are an emerging priority among AACI cancer centers and the award program is part of a larger awareness-raising effort. AACI will recognize Douglas R. Lowy, acting director of the National Cancer Institute, with the 2019 Distinguished Scientist Award for his contributions to the development of HPV vaccines. AACI also recently participated in a congressional briefing on the elimination of HPV-related cancers and continues to call for endorsements from members to support this goal.

To nominate a provider for the HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Champion Award, please submit a completed form by August 16, 2019. Self-nominations are also welcome. Award recipients will be announced in the fall of 2019.

AACI cancer centers are also encouraged to support the call to eliminate HPV-related cancers by submitting their endorsement and a high-resolution logo to Emily Stimmel, communications and external relations coordinator.

Nominate an HPV Vaccine Champion