
Annual Meeting Sessions Address Disparities in Cancer Care

The 2020 AACI/CCAF Annual Meeting will virtually convene AACI cancer center members with national cancer research and advocacy groups, industry, and government health agencies on October 12-13. Two sessions at this year's meeting will address disparities in cancer care, including the disproportionate cancer burden experienced by people of color and the challenges of delivering cancer care in rural communities. 

In line with AACI's goal to reduce cancer disparities, one session will highlight the ways that cancer centers are working to reduce the burden of cancer on people of color—particularly Black communities—in their waiting rooms, laboratories, and office suites; and through outreach and community engagement. 

Rural communities are becoming both older and more diverse, with many residents of isolated communities speaking a primary language that is not English. While reliable transportation has long been a challenge, today many rural oncology patients also face a gap in access to technology. Another meeting session will focus on how to better ensure quality cancer care in rural communities, including enrolling patients in clinical trials, expanding access to online resources, and tackling obstacles to wider use of telehealth.

Additional meeting topics include cancer care in the age of COVID-19; rightsizing cancer screening; genomics and precision therapy for pediatric cancers;  cancer care across the lifespan; and an overview of basic science centers. As always, the meeting will also include the presentation of AACI's Distinguished Scientist and Champion for Cures awards and updates from the National Cancer Institute on its cancer centers program and the Cancer Center Support Grant. 

Meeting registration is free for AACI cancer center members and sustaining members. Please visit the meeting website to register, view the virtual session details, read speaker profiles, and learn about support opportunities.

Continuing Medical Education (CME) is jointly provided by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and AACI.

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